
Stay up-to-date on the latest in digital marketing! Our blog articles offer valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help elevate your online presence and maximise your marketing efforts.

Springboard Digital New Employees

Springboard Digital is Growing… Fast!

We’re so excited to share that our wonderful team is continuing to grow, with three new members joining Springboard Digital in the past month! Get to know them here....
Google Business Profile

Google My Business is Being Absorbed by Google Maps

Google My Business is now called Google Business Profile and managed via Google Maps. Learn how to navigate the July 2022 updates here....
Helping hands

Government Assistance For Small Businesses

There’s an abundance of government assistance out there for small to medium businesses. We've compiled upcoming grants & payments your business may be eligible for....
Machinery Cogs

What Are Core Web Vitals & Why Are They Important?

Core Web Vitals are three important measurements of your website’s user experience and are crucial for SEO. Learn why Core Web Vitals are important, and how to test and improve yours, here....
A man on his laptop

What Is Google Ads & How Does It Work?

A strong Google presence is essential for all businesses, big and small. So, how does advertising on Google actually work, and why is it important to differentiate from your competitors to achieve...
A dart board with a 3 darts in it.

How To Improve Your Digital Strategy

Improving your digital marketing strategy is easier said than done. To help you achieve the results you want, we’ve compiled our top, easy tips. Read more here....
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